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How to Make an Easy and Gorgeous DIY Tulle Bow (for a Wedding)

When you find yourself needing an easy DIY tulle bow, this is it! It doesn't get any easier than this one. Almost like a pom pom, this DIY bow is the cutest little poof shape! Once you start making these tulle bows, you can't stop.  They're so much fun anyone can make one.  Try it for yourself...



  • Put the tulle between your thumb and your hand.
  • Wrap around the width of your fingers several times.  About 15-20 make a  small to medium bow.  The number of times you wrap it around will determine how thick or full your tulle bow will be.
  • Cut your tulle. Then cut a second, separate piece of tulle about the length of your hand and thread this underneath your bundle that is on your fingers and tie a knot to secure your bundle as in the picture.
  • Using your fabric scissors, cut the tulle up the middle of the circular bundle.
  • Take the bundle into your hands like you would a bouquet of flowers.
  • Trim the top of your tulle bow until you reach your desired size of tulle bow.
  • Optionally, you can add embellishments